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Getting white screen in Login /user and the page content

I was recently editing a website with Drupal 7 installed, and was integrating twitter feed. I created a block twitter_feed_block and assigned the block to the content section of the front page. It ...
Pushpa's user avatar
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1 answer

Anonymous permissions with Nodeaccess

Content type: Webform Allowed grants: View, Edit Allowed roles: Anon, authorized, admin Go to the webform node eg. node/20 Click Grants tab Tick authenticated and admin users can View, anonymous is ...
user3108268's user avatar
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1 answer

Rules to remove user from role on node publish

I have tried the following: Event: updating an existing content condition: NOT node-unchanged published remove user role (I'm stuck here) The last item is my problem. There is no user reference in ...
Ojchris's user avatar
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Suggestions for storing private user content lists

I have a feature on my Drupal7 site where users can store a list of personal stock symbols (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc) and then do different actions on that list; quote, chart, etc. These lists are private to ...
Gentwo72's user avatar
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How to get a list of users based on the radius?

I want to allow users (workers) to give their address using addressfield and also give a distance or radius they are prepared to travel. It is a job site. When a client posts a job (node) and provides ...
Umair's user avatar
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How to delete all Drupal content owned by a particular user?

It seems like there should be a drush command to achieve this, but I cannot find one. I am not clever enough to fashion an SQL query that will delete all nodes owned by a user as well as clean up all ...
Blake Frederick's user avatar
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Proper Workbench Access/Moderation/Email + Node permissions for my use case?

I've been banging my head against the wall all weekend trying to figure this out but just can't seem to get 100% of the way there... I fix one thing, causing another thing to break. Making me question ...
Chris K's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display a Rules Link only if access to display the linked content was granted?

I'm using the Drupal Commerce 7.x, Rules Link, and Content Access modules. In my site Classified ads can be created, and then people can use credits (via User points) to pay for unlocking "contact ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How to access node properties of another node using the Rules Link module?

I wonder how to access node properties via another node with Rules. I already store the link of my other node in a field (of the original node), but I don't know if we can do that. I'm using the ...
Quentin's user avatar
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3 answers

How to restrict users to certain Content Types?

A site that I'm working on will have lots of users managing the content. Unfortunately their workflow dictates that certain people only have access to certain content types. There isn't a method to ...
John_911's user avatar
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1 answer

Search results showing nodes which are already under NODE_ACCESS_DENY

In Drupal 7, I have some nodes that are restricted access for anonymous user. I implemented this using hook_node_access where if the user_is_anonymous and if the operation is View, I am giving ...
Kiran's user avatar
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How to track an action when user creates a node of a specific content type?

I use Drupal 7 and I want to track an action when user creates a node of a specific content type. I installed the Facebook Pixel and Facebook Tracking Pixel modules, but they don't support my needs. ...
carrotandme's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to know user submitted first content of a specific type?

I used Rules module to know when a user has logged in and notify the user about his/her login event. Now I just want to check when the user has submitted a content of one specific type for the first ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Unpublish node instead of deleting it

In my web application, I would like to prevent accidental or unauthorized deletions or modifications (e.g. a student steals teacher's credentials and deletes or changes bad marks). But, at the same ...
user1527576's user avatar
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Create user profile using content type or add additional fields to the default registration form

I am good enough to build an entire drupal 7 website but my problem goes below: I am in the process of building a very simple drupal website for all volunteers in my country. So every volunteer will ...
user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add a User Entity as a Field in Content Type?

How to add a User Entity as a Field in a Content Type? So I can be able to display First/Last Name field.
No one's user avatar
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How to automatically create a node for each user and set the user as author of the node?

I have 50 users on my site. I want to create 50 nodes and then set the author of the node to each of my 50 users. Is there a way to do this using a module or programmatically, rather than having to ...
seyi's user avatar
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How to print all Roles that are granted access to a Node in TPL?

Anyone know how to display Roles that are granted access to a node in a node TPL in D7? IE: Admin, Editor, Food Snobs: I have already tried Devel and Devel node access, yet there is no info. I am ...
Frederick Weiss's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Replace node tabs with user tabs on website

Unlike the author of I'd like to totally replace node tabs with what users see on their user profile pages. Users on this ...
Nick's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to create one more registation page in drupal site

In our drupal site we have a Registration page. and the new requirement is creating the one more registration page with same functionality(newly created registration page also use same database to ...
sai vijay's user avatar
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How let users to delete their own comments

i have installed Comment Delete module to change permissions for the user to delete their own comments. If i click the delete link it throws this error. You are not authorized to access this page.
udhaya kumar UK's user avatar
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Changing permission on node access that linked with other nodes

I have a Jobs type content which include a user reference field I have another content type called Applications which includes a node reference field that links to Jobs. Register applicants can ...
hobbsie's user avatar
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2 answers

How to give anonymous users access to only certain nodes?

I am trying to implement the following: Anonymous users are not allowed to view all nodes but only certain nodes. I am using tac lite ( to make this happen. ...
jjei's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any easy way to set the default author for a node being edited to the current author if it is currently anonymous?

The site I am working on has a lot of Anonymous nodes because it is a migration from a system that didn't have a proper user system. Users can claim their articles by going in and editing the node ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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How to manage programmatically the access of a content node type?

From a custom module, I created a new type of content type via the drupal api (using the hook node_info). Thanks that, I can create node of this content type. I would like allow access to nodes of ...
spacecodeur's user avatar
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How to show the author of Blocked users's Content as anonymous in Drupal 7?

I have a Content type Board. All authenticated users can add boards. when i displaying the Board's Nodes i am also showing the author name. All going good. But when a user delete his account i set his ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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How to grant permission to a node for an user programatically?

I am using ACL module to set user wise permission . Its working fine and I am able to set permission user wise from admin access. What I need: I have the nid and uid and I wants to set node view ...
DRUPWAY's user avatar
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How to list blogs by anonymous in blog module

I am able to list blogs by a specific user, e.g. /blog/123 - where 123 is the uid, but when I use /blog/0 I get access denied. Can someone advise on a config setting to enable /blog/0 to list blogs ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
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Render a content based on access permission

I have two content_types,Type_A and Type_B. I have referenced one field in Type_B to Type_A by using entity reference type. But when the particular Type_A node is not published,then also anonymous ...
Suraj's user avatar
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How to make Posts/Blogs mentioning a user appear in the user's profile?

I'm using Drupal 7 and I created a simple page where users are able to create challenges and tag people in their posts. For tagging I used the Mentions module and it works fine, I'm able to visit ...
Viktor's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to give to the creator of a node the option to hide the name of the author?

I need to provide a way for hiding the name of the user who created a node, if the creator of a node wants to do so. In such cases, it should show Anonymous as the author of the node. Any suggestions ...
makbuk's user avatar
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How do I add a node from a view to user profile field?

I have list of courses of course content type in a view. I want to add "add course" button with every listing of node in view. When a user is logged in he can add a course to its profile information. ...
He-mant Kr's user avatar
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Show specific fields in a list to everybody, but only registered user can see that node

My Drupal version is 7.50. I want to show to anonymous user a list with a specific fields (title, image, body abstract), but when you click in title, the content of that node would only be available ...
Jordi Molas's user avatar
3 votes
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How to mark a node as read per user?

I'm wondering what the best solution is to mark a node as read per user. The below scenario is what I am trying to achieve: Admin creates a node which requires to be read and confirmed and flags ...
pacusi's user avatar
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Allow registered users and anonymous users to add node with Password - "Password node"

I've just installed version 7.x-1.x-dev of the protected node module on a drupal 7 site. As administrator, i can manage averything as desired. That mean can set password on node. But my problem is: i ...
danyhiol's user avatar
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Enable/ Disable elements under 'edit' depending on role [duplicate]

I want some users to have access to certain items under the 'edit' tab but hide others... I know you can allow a role to 'edit' or not 'edit' a published node content type but that enables and ...
testing1's user avatar
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How to implement node access control with a simple field used during node creation?

I have multiple roles on the site. I have used Role reference field in Nodes to choose which Role should see Nodes. Then I have set Views to show content based on roles and Role reference field in ...
hene's user avatar
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How to make certain nodes available to anonymous users?

I am having a site that hosts a number of content items (nodes) that are available to registered users. We would like to make some of those data available to anonymous users, too, via a view. I have ...
Yannis P.'s user avatar
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What is the simplest, most drupalish, way to restrict access to some content to authenticated users or a certain role?

I am creating a publications database that is used by staff to input their publications. Some of these publications are available to the public, and some are not. Additionally, the publications have ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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Different way for users to add content on pages

On my website each user can only edit the existing main content via the 'edit' button on the page. I don't want each user to see what was added previously on the page like it happens on my website: ...
testing1's user avatar
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user cannot edit the page

I have given the marketing role the 'create new', 'edit own' and 'delete own' permission for the Article content type however when I log in with that account the 'edit' button doesn't appear on the ...
testing1's user avatar
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Getting 401 / 406 error from node creation with authentication

I am trying to create nodes with authentication with the services module enabled. So far I have done following things: Get services token from http://localhost/drupal/services/session/token. User ...
Ravi Maniyar's user avatar
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Node save after user login

Is there a module which redirects Anonymous users to user login form after submitting node form and saves the node only when user successfully logs into data? Will I have to do it by $_SESSION if ...
Villie's user avatar
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How to revoke edit access to the node's author after publishing a node?

I am trying to build a new rule on Drupal 7 with both the Rules and Content Access modules (and its sub module Content Access Rules integration). Thus, I get new actions like "grant or revoke an ...
Toki's user avatar
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Unable to add content?

I am working on a project with a fresh install of Drupal 7.41 and the customer wanted to use a Themeforest layout. Installation of core, theme and modules went without a problem, however, when I try ...
Jason D'Amico's user avatar
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People created by non-administrator role are not allowed to edit their content [closed]

I created a role called site manager. This role is allowed to create new users. The problem is that users created by this user are not allowed to edit their contents. The Access denied is reported. ...
M a m a D's user avatar
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Granting per-node-type permissions in hook_node_type_insert()

I use the Override Node Options module to specify granular permissions for publishing, leaving Revision log entries, etc. for each node type. I almost always grant the same set of permissions to a ...
Lanny Heidbreder's user avatar
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Achieve single node field edit to have different values for each user?

I am trying to create lets say and activity node which allow each user to insert a different value without having to create a node. for example: I created activity1 node, and then I will allow user a ...
Boby's user avatar
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Array of items as contextual filter in Views

I need to create a View which displays content of users that their username should be passed as contextual filter. The number of parameters (usernames) are not specified but the View must include ...
M a m a D's user avatar
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How to record how much time user has spent on my node?

I want to record the time a user has spent on my particular node so I could show a pop up to the user to register once the user has read 3 article. But the user must have spent at least 30 seconds on ...
Rakesh Verma's user avatar