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Link to download pdf from webform email [closed]

I have created a webform, after the submession the customer is sent the registration confirmation e-mail. How do I include in this email a link to download a pdf ?
Imen Jendoubi's user avatar
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How to add files using rules module?

This question follows Override webform module submit Based on this answer, I used the rules module to create a node after webform submissions. My webform contains an <input type="file" /> for ...
A.Sana's user avatar
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What hook should I use to alter the File Upload field in Webform 7.x-4.16

In Drupal 7 Webform file field, might there be a way to access the link provided after the a file is uploaded? The reason is that we have a hot-folder/watch-folder process that runs, cleans a file, ...
Rick's user avatar
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How to upload multiple images in a single browse option in webform file component field?

I have added file field in webform content and tried to browse multiple images and upload it @once, But webform file field only supports only one image while clicking single browse. Tried Installing ...
Ram's user avatar
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Open PDF created with Webform2PDF in a new browser tab

I have installed the Webform2PDF module and the PDF is created and can be found under the Results tab. However, I would really need to open the created PDF in a new tab on submission. How can I do ...
TBJ's user avatar
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Upload multiple files through a single file dialog?

In a Webform, I want to let the user upload multiple files via one call of the file dialog. I found the following modules. Webform Multiple File Upload Webform Multiple File With either of them, I ...
Georg Jähnig's user avatar
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How to send an email with a download link? [closed]

I had installed Webform Protected Downloads. But there are lot of things I don't like about this module: Too many steps to download files. The email's body content is only for plain text. You cannot ...
learnallskill's user avatar
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How to make links to private directory always use ssl?

I am trying to connect all links to files in a private directory to use SSL. This is what I have done so far; if (preg_match('!^system/files/webform/([^/]+)(/.*)?!', $path, $matches)) { if($...
colinam1992's user avatar
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Webform uploads / Media

I've run into the following: User uploads are among the uploads from the admin / editors. Is there a possibility to show uploaded files from the webform module in a different module than the Media ...
Jacob Francke's user avatar
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How to find if file was successfully uploaded to webform

I am using the file field in webform, I would like to check if the file was successfully uploaded. I was using .onChange But that only means that a file was attempted to be uploaded. How can I be ...
pal4life's user avatar
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I want to prevent Duplicate entry in webform uri?

I have a webform but when user's are uploading the file in webform they are getting "Error: The website is encounter an unexpected error" when i check the dblog i came to know that the error:...
Nikhil Anant's user avatar
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How might I have Webforms save files to private file system or as a database blob?

In Drupal 7, I have the file system configured as In the code for the Webforms' file component located at sites/all/modules/webform/components/, it appears that one could easily change it so ...
Rick's user avatar
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How to download files uploaded in a webform through views module?

I have something like this in registration form and I am using webform module. I need to show the uploaded file link in reports (using views module) When they click they should be able to download ...
New Drupal User's user avatar
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One-click Download files from webform submission

I have content editors who need a 'one click' download solution for all the files uploaded with a given webform submission. FTP is not an option. Does anyone know of any solution for this?
Rob Goodwin's user avatar
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Webforms Ajax File Upload Issue with IE7 and IE8

The file upload fields in my webform work everywhere except IE7 and IE8. When I click the upload button I get a js alert that says the following "An error has occurred while attempting to process /...
Emanegux's user avatar
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How to assign value from one file field to another programmatically?

I have a webform which have a file field. In the user profile I have also created a file field. I am using the webform for user registration So I am assigning the values from the webform to the user ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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How to upload file in Webform content type

I want to be able to upload a file with Webform, is their any way to do this?
DilipKale's user avatar
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How can I get webform file upload to display a thumbnail instead of a link?

I have a webform with a file field. When I upload the file I want to return a thumbnail of the file. Is this possible? If so how can I achieve this?
dibs's user avatar
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Save PDF file using webform2pdf

I am using Drupal 7.12 and Webform2PDF 7.x-3.0. Is there any feature to save the PDF file to server using this module? Or how can I do this with this module? Or is there any other module ?
Sethu Lakshmy's user avatar