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Change appearance of search form [closed]

I want to change the appearance of the Drupal 7 search form. I used this code in my file for my Omega subtheme. It didn't work. How do I assign html classes to divs within the ...
user55305's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add metatag module data to the Search API indexes

I am in the process of building a new site that will have some content in the form of videos and PDFs. To make those more searchable I added the metatag module. We are also using the Search API to ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Show advanced search form outside fieldset

When I search for a keyword in core Drupal search, it shows a results page with a link named Advanced search that hides a fieldset with more form options. I want it to be shown in the basic search ...
WaQaR Ali's user avatar
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5 votes
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Drupal + Solr, how to boost search results with updated date?

I'm trying to boost search results to give more relevancy to newly updated / created content. What I have tried is to use the following: /** * Implementation of hook search_api_solr_query_alter */ ...
Tuomas Leppänen's user avatar
4 votes
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Facet API - Rewrite facet items via callback function

I'm trying to rewrite the link text in an Apache Solr facet block, specifically the one to drill down by bundle/content type. By default the block displays the human readable name of the content type. ...
brutal-digital's user avatar
1 vote
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Drupal 7 Multilingual Site Search [closed]

I have a drupal multilingual site (English and Arabic) . Arabic page site search gives me an extra value "English" in search result. I am using default drupal site search. What it actually means? ...
user avatar
3 votes
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How do I unset/hide certain fields from being indexed by the core search module?

If a content type has additional text fields, search core automatically indexes them because search core extracts all text from the result of node_view() I can easily add extra index data via ...
Chris's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Change drupal search result count

Drupal search is giving 10 items per page. The number is hard coded in search core module. Is there any way to make it 15?. I am using drupal 6.
praji's user avatar
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Hook to render all active Facet

Is there a possible hook or something else that can be written to display all the current active facet link i.e the selected facet. i want to display to the user in breadcrumb format all the facet ...
user1108509's user avatar
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Filter search results per user custom field

I would like my site to filter search results based on a Node-reference field of the currently-logged-in-user. I want to limit the search results to nodes that have the same Node-reference field. I am ...
user1706487's user avatar
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3 answers

Count Search Results

I am trying to create a block to put on the search results page that has a list of the content types in the search results and the number of results for that content type. Does anyone know how this ...
Nalum's user avatar
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