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Show parent items in hierarchical facet display

Taxonomy terms are configured as such: Parent category 1 - Child category 1 - Child category 2 Parent category 2 - Child category 3 - Child category 4 "Empty facet behaviour" is set to "Do not ...
Pim's user avatar
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Search API view in not returning all results for full text search

I have a search API indexed content view. Which uses full text search exposed filter. I have selected few taxonomy term names and other field in the full text search. But when I search for a term name,...
James's user avatar
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Tags for content type and search by this tags

i created a vocabulary called "Tags" and then a field on my content type using this vocabulary. I can create my content and add the tags, but then i search for the tags that im using and i get no ...
Fausto Sanchez's user avatar
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Search through a specific field - Drupal 7

Is it possible with Drupal to create a seperate search field to search in a custom field for a specific content type? For example I have a text field in a content type with the name keywords. I gave ...
hg96nl's user avatar
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Turn Tags into Links in Search Results

When a user searches for a certain tagged iamge I want them to be able to click on the tag and re-direct them on a page which contains all the images with that tag. E.g. if I click Italy, all the ...
testing1's user avatar
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Why doesn't the function taxonomy_term_search exists?

I have an autocomplete field in an API Form. The callback function uses the following code to highlight the search query in the list of suggestions. With a taxonomy vocabulary of 3 levels of hierarchy,...
Cesar's user avatar
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Advanced search in Multidomain - Multilanguage catalog webpage Drupal 7

I have a quite complex products database. I have migrated most of the content and hierarchy into Drupal taxonomy, content type and relationships scheme. However, I am not sure if I will be able to ...
Cesar's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to sort view based on search index by taxonomy weight

I have a search index created using search api and I have a view created based on the search index. I have a taxonomy term field called subscription which is indexed. I need to sort my view based on ...
Bhuvana's user avatar
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Taxonomy autocomplete widget with term depth settings [closed]

Is there a module (or custom code) to implement a widget for taxonomy autocomplete (>=1k terms) having term depth settings? Settings could be like to control term level variable depth, rules and ...
pinueve's user avatar
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Search Taxonomy Term pages containing entity referenced nodes

So, I've got myself into a bit of a pickle here and was hoping that could point out a way through. Drupal 7 Views Display Suite Entity Reference Inline Entity Reference Search API Database Search I ...
PUncle's user avatar
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Search API and Facets API with multilingual taxonomy

I have some taxonomy terms and the settings look like this. All these terms have been translated. After indexing the content with Search API and Facets API, the facets are not shown with translation....
brainHax's user avatar
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Views (Search API): Search taxonomy parent and display all children

Problem I have a country taxonomy field. The top level is continents then below that countries: Asia --China --Thailand Europe --France --Germany I'm using search API (with solr backend) to index. ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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Is there a way to include taxonomy terms and nodes in a search?

I'm trying to make the search for my site gather results based on nodes and taxonomy terms. To give an example of what I'm trying to do, say that I have content nodes set up for my products and have ...
user22939's user avatar
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Searching users with taxonomy terms with search module

I have search set up with display suite to search user profiles and it works great for titles, bodies. However I have taxonomy terms attached to the profiles but when I put the taxonomy term in the ...
CR47's user avatar
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Search index as custom view for taxonomy term with hierarchy. Showing all children results in term parent in taxonomy menu

Ok so title is pretty epic, but it goes like this: Key elements: views, taxonomy_menu, taxonomy, search api, facets. I created vocabulary "Products" (Drupal Commerce but I don't think it's important),...
Łukasz Zaroda's user avatar
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How to improve search results filtering on taxonomy

I would like to know the best way to filter drupal search results using taxonomy. I want users to be able to search for particular results from a particular taxonomy..this can be done to refine ...
Chiko's user avatar
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How do I show nodes/articles with specific taxonomy on a page?

Maybe the title is not appropriate, so please dont hesitate to change it or give suggestions for it. Here's how our Drupal site is done: A vocabulary called "PAA". With this vocabulary there are ...
Olivier Pons's user avatar
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Taxonomy search block - Search for e.g. "mac" -> Go to URL /tags/mac

I just want a simple "search" block for the tags taxonomy. It should work like I wrote in the title: If you search for the tag "x", it should automatically go to the URL /tags/x. I'm aware that it ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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Taxonomy Term Path to Search

Running Drupal 7: Problem: I have a vocabulary that contains a list of faculty, within each faculty member term page is a list of research interests (a separate vocabulary) that are clickable. ...
Weston Dunn's user avatar
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Implementing Taxonomy hierarchy in View and Search

I am working on a biology website that needs to make use of Drupal 7's Taxonomy system, for a biological taxonomy. My goal is to allow users to tag all content with related species information, and ...
Paul S.'s user avatar
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How to get taxonomy synonyms working robustly with Search API?

Tag synonyms are a popular, important feature in many sites (used here on StackExchange, for example), and taxonomy synonyms used to be part of Drupal 6's core Taxonomy module, before being dropped in ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
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Selecting the taxonomy terms to use using a textfield to search them

My Drupal 7 site has almost thousand of taxonomy terms. So it is a hard work for my users to pick their desired category from thousand of taxonomy terms. Is there any way to select a taxonomy term by ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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3 answers

Search module for taxonomy terms?

Having browsed through with no results for D7, let ma ask the public: does anyone know of a Search module that would extend the search by taxonomy terms? I have a very taxonomy-intensive ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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Search Including Node Taxonomy Field

I have a content type with a taxonomy field on it that needs to be included in the standard search of Drupal 7. Is there a way to do this or do I have to set up a view to override the standard search?...
Nalum's user avatar
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2 answers

Searching on Taxonomy terms with the Search API module?

I've been playing around with the Search API module for a little bit now, and it seems to be working fairly well, but I can't figure out how or why I am not able to search on terms even though they ...
Marco's user avatar
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Views search to find users based on terms

I want to have search inputs for users to search and find other users based on associated terms(I'm using term reference) of their user profile. I'm using Search-API, Views-3, and Profile-2. I ...
Graham's user avatar
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Is it possible to add taxonomy filters to the standard advanced search?

I wonder if is possible to add select boxes from my taxonomy to the standard Drupal 7 advanced search form. I'd like to search for document containing the word "test" and which have the word "High" in ...
Claudio's user avatar
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