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How to restrict anonymous users without ajax error risk?

I want to restrict anonymous users from viewing the site accept few pages. There are few modules. I was using require login module. It was working perfectly as it redirected anonymous users to login ...
Umair's user avatar
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How do I add authentication to a POST request on an implementation of hook_menu?

I have a list of lesson plans, sorted by category. Underneath each category, I have a link called "Add new lesson/category/root term". I would like it so that when the user clicks on "Add new ...
Lincoln Bergeson's user avatar
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How let users to delete their own comments

i have installed Comment Delete module to change permissions for the user to delete their own comments. If i click the delete link it throws this error. You are not authorized to access this page.
udhaya kumar UK's user avatar
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Useability of the user registration workflow

When you want to create an account on a drupal7 page, you have to click very often to create the account finaly. Go on user/register Click on one time login link Open the one time login page and ...
sgoelz's user avatar
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address field hides if country is changed

I have used Address field module for storing user address. Also I have used Customer Profile Type UI for adding customer profile. I have added customer profile field in the user page by adding ...
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Does AJAXify of create relationship link possible out of the box?

I'm using User Relationship module. I've enabled: ur ur_ui ur_views and added UR link to View. By default this link work with relationship confirmation form. Any module/settings in UR to ajaxify ...
Codium's user avatar
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approach custom module userlogin via ajax

for several reasons I try to develop my own module in order to have a fully customizable user login via ajax. Later on I will integrate this in a modalbox. I already wrote the basics of the module, ...
radscheit's user avatar
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Anonymous users request to enter email to download files [duplicate]

I have a question that i thought originally i would able to answer myself. I have a site that show some pdf help files. The files is open to anyone so they can download freely. The question is how i ...
Drupalizeme's user avatar
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Disable ordering in entity reference (user)

I have an entity reference of widget type = autocomplete. It's a collection of users where you can add multiple users. Now I would like to disable the ordering of the users. So you can't order the ...
nielsv's user avatar
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Entity Reference - Not required to be in database

I have a content type Proposal with a entity reference field Proposed by. This is an autocomplete field that targets Users in the application. You can give in multiple users that are in the ...
nielsv's user avatar
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An AJAX HTTP error ocurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 (while trying to rebuild content access perms)

I have installed a module that ask me everytime to rebuild content Access Permissions, but every time I try to do it, it shows me an error I do not have idea why is it happening. Please help An AJAX ...
svelandiag's user avatar
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Entity reference to user doesn't work without 'administer users' permission

EDIT: I have most probably found out the reason thy it works (or doesn't work actually) this way. The problem is that I don't have legitimate access to the user node that is being edited. I only '...
Petrroll's user avatar
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Download file after login

I'm looking for direction with regards to how to get a file to download only after you are logged in, and to be prompted to login if you try to download it and then upon a correct submission, have ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
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when mouseover on username display popup views [closed]

How to display popup ajax information of user when user mouseover on username or picture of users with views. i want fetch information from profile user with ajax no hidden. such as Facebook or ...
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Autocomplete does not work on the server

I have a organization text field on the user profile. I wrote a module that uses dbpedia's lookup services to generate an autocomplete list on the field. The code works on my local instance using ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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How to include specific roles in auto-complete search?

I am using the auto-complete module for searches. It works like a charm. I am looking for to learn how to show only specific roles on the results it pulls. There are advanced areas in the ...
Big Robots's user avatar
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Autocomplete on a custom field on the registration form no longer working

thanks for reading. I have a database table containing organisation names. When a user registers on the website, they use a text field I added, which autocompletes with existing organisation names, ...
Carl's user avatar
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autocomplete on a multi value - custom field

I have a field organizations on the user profile(the field can accept multiple values). I would like to add a autocomplete to this field. My code for this is <?php /** * Implementation of ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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User role referencing when they might not exist

I'm making a Drupal 7 site that has an event content type. There are two user roles: venues and speakers, and both can create events. I need a way for both to be referenced in the node (with auto-...
BenjaminRH's user avatar
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how to save new value of autocomplete field with hook_form_submit?

creating a custom submit function for the form of mymodule /** * Implements hook_form_submit() */ function mymodule_form_submit($form, &$form_state){ $new_user = drupal_anonymous_user(); ...
FLY's user avatar
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How to get the autocomplete feature for a taxonomy term profile field visible on the registration form?

I have Profile2 and Profile2 Registration Path modules enabled, I set up two different profiles, and for one of them I created a field which is a taxonomy term with the Autocomplete term widget (...
Gueno's user avatar
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module for ajax username checker

Is there a D7 module to do an Ajax based test if a username is available, in the same way done on
uwe's user avatar
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