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How often i should re-build and re-submit xml sitemap for news website? [closed]

I have an website that get news from RSS Feeds. I build every day 2-3k articles and now i have almost 160k links. So, how often i should re-submit the xml sitemap; (currently i do this job every hour)...
George J's user avatar
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2 answers

Best settings for xml sitemap, cron time and submission time?

i have news site for about 7 months. The site get new feeds every hour but google take about 1 day to index them and only few of them. I see other sites that instantly index. "1 hours ago etc". Mine ...
George J's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

XML sitemap rebuild links on cron run

I've installed XML Sitemap. I can manually rebuild the link in /admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/rebuild. Is there any way to automatically rebuild the links (e.g. when cron runs XML sitemap would ...
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