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61 votes

Get all nodes of given type

You can use Drupal::entityQuery() & Node::loadMultiple() to load all the nodes of your given type: $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node') ->condition('type','my_custom_type') ->accessCheck(FALSE) …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
37 votes

How can I get the node ID from a path alias?

I'm not sure if there's a direct function, but one route is to use the path alias manager service to lookup the internal path then regex it for a valid node id to perform an object load on: $path = \D …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
34 votes

Release cron lock

It's now in the semaphore table with the key name "cron". This can be removed via drush sqlq "DELETE FROM semaphore WHERE name = 'cron';" Or, if you can execute PHP in Drupal bootstrapped environment …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
33 votes

Taxonomy term name as contextual filter for view

The Term name converted to Term ID filter looks to be missing for D8 Views. One site-builder workaround, is to add a Relationship, Taxonomy terms on node then to add a Taxonomy Term: Name filter to …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
22 votes

Is Drupal Console aimed to replace Drush?

Ten things you need to know about Drupal Console coming from Ray Saltini of FFW (the company supporting the lead developer Jesus Olivas of Drupal Console), & Drush and the Drupal Console with Drupal 8
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
18 votes

Removing all 'stable' theme's CSS from a Drupal 8 custom theme

There's no wildcarding for the stylesheets-remove (FYI: there's a FR out there for it). However, you can use libraries-override to remove the library associated with the all CSS components you've high …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
18 votes

Delete a node after X weeks it was created

If you're looking for a developer-centric solution, you can invoke hook_cron() in a custom module to clean up old nodes: function MYMODULE_cron() { // Other conditions can be altered/added as neee …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
15 votes

How can I remove preview button from contact form?

A custom module can utilize hook_form_alter() to strip out the preview button form element in any form: /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $for …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
15 votes

Drupal 8 maintenance page theming

In Drupal 8, settings.php contains the following line: # $settings['maintenance_theme'] = 'bartik'; First, uncomment this setting and change "bartik" to the machine name of your custom theme. …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
11 votes

More filter options on admin/content

Now that Views is integrated into Drupal 8, the admin/content display can be driven by a customizable View. …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
9 votes

How do I programmatically place a block?

To provide a plugin block you can build an array of settings and pass it off to \Drupal\block\Entity\Block::create() to create the Block object and save the instance. For example if you wanted to add …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
9 votes

Take over display of a content type node route

You'll need to alter the entity.node.canonical route to do this. You can do this via a RouteSubscriber::alterRoutes() in a custom module to have the route driven by your custom logic. In src/Routing/R …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
9 votes
1 answer

Drupal 8 maintenance page theming [closed]

I want to customize the maintenance page in Drupal 8. How do I theme it? …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
8 votes

How do I use Path Matcher for front page?

Your code is assuming that the request URI for / will retrieve /node on the getAliasByPath() method call. It won't. Setting the Drupal front page isn't the same as setting a path alias in the Path mod …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k
8 votes

Programmatically get all names of an entity reference field

An entity reference field, by definition, can only target one entity type so you can know what your target type is by calling up getSetting() on the field definition. // Print the targeted entity typ …
Shawn Conn's user avatar
  • 26.9k

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