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Mołot's user avatar
Mołot's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

How to color cards (hearts and diamonds) red in Drupal 7 comments?

4 votes

How is the file data in the database table file_usage created and managed?

4 votes

Load multiple nodes

4 votes

Overwrite file_directory_temp function without touching the core?

4 votes

Drupal JQuery Issue - Need some help

4 votes

How do I programmatically create a view?

4 votes

Best way to make an EntityFieldQuery query be case sensitive?

4 votes

Taxonomy on each field value

4 votes

What's the easiest way to create CRUD interface for custom entities?

4 votes

How can I call hook_user_presave() only when an account is updated, not created?

4 votes

Help! Updated PHP and Cache/ Std Import Problems

4 votes

Why does the favicon sometimes not show up and generate "page not found" errors, and other times does show up

3 votes

How to make URL arguments available as tokens in Rewrite Results of a Field in a View?

3 votes

When using the workbench core module, how can one assign a node to a new author and it show up in their list of content?

3 votes

How can i find out when the next cron will run?

3 votes

is installing a module on a live site ill advised?

3 votes

View to display nodes with lat long in proximity of specific lat long

3 votes

Security issues after authenticated user has been logged out

3 votes

Stop footer from reloading

3 votes

Left Join query causing 'Column not found' error

3 votes

How to view PDF files in a modal/overlay

3 votes

form ajax forget's changes made in previous ajax callback calls

3 votes

How to delete/hide "create new account"

3 votes

How to use Coder with Drush?

3 votes

In Drupal 7, how do I allow users to see their own unpublished content?

3 votes

How to set non Drupal 404 and 403 pages for Drupal?

3 votes

How to install a text filter for plain_text input format

3 votes

Automatically rotate image on upload

3 votes

give node author ability to position the image when uploading content

3 votes

One path alias for differents / multiple internal path?

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