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Aaron Thain's user avatar
Aaron Thain
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
sf Smallscreen menu button reverts to full desktop menu when scrolling down
With your suggestion I found what was happening dynamically on scroll: It was the bootstrap breakpoint where the navbar collapses. I had to disable the Main Menu in my theme to stop the theme's menu from appearing. Then I experimented with diffferent settings in Superfish and increased the breakpoint to 990px. Now it behaves nicely on scroll on tablets and mobile phones and is hidden on desktops/laptops.Thanks!
How change 1 line of code in a core module without hack?
Thanks, good advice! I'll start by your, "Don't Hack/Ignore the error" and keep watching the Log Messages.
How do I remind users to pick an avatar?
The fields for "account:field-avatar" and "account:picture" don't appear on my list of Data Selectors. When I try to type them in I get the message, "Data selector account:picture for parameter data is invalid." What am I missing?
How enable Taxonomy to work with Basic Pages
Sorry, so yes, I CAN click on a Tag and go to a page...with no content.
How enable Taxonomy to work with Basic Pages
Yes, my Tag Field Type is Term Reference. And yes, I can input a Basic Page and save it. The tag appears at the bottom of the Basic Page. I have input two Basic Pages, both with the same Taxonomy string from my Taxonomy List. But when I click the Tag at the bottom of either of the Basic Pages, I go to a page with the Taxonomy Term at the top, but no content below.
How enable Taxonomy to work with Basic Pages
Thanks, yes, I've got the Tags field: field_tags, enabled in Manage Fields and in Manage Display the Tags are in Region: Content, Label: Inline; and Format: Link with the # sign. The tags do appear when I create a Basic Page. But still no joy...I can't seem to get any "Basic Page" to appear when I click a Tag link. I can access a Basic Page by creating a Menu Item...but not a Tag.
drush archive-restore fails with DRUSH_UNKNOWN_OPTION":["Unknown options: --e, --g
Thank you greg_1_anderson, you answered my question: BAM archives cannot be restored with Drush.
drush archive-restore fails with DRUSH_UNKNOWN_OPTION":["Unknown options: --e, --g
I'm on a Rackspace Centos server/Apache/Linux.Hey, it just occurred to me: The archive came from the Backup Migrate Module. Is restoring both database and file system even POSSIBLE in this senario?