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Patrick Kenny's user avatar
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
Patrick Kenny
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Tokyo, Japan
27 votes

How can I check if a module is enabled?

17 votes

How to implement a reputation based system with badges in Drupal similar to StackExchange sites?

16 votes

Multilanguage mails

15 votes

How to add Block Into View?

13 votes

How can I set the language of nodes in bulk to existing content when making a site multilingual?

13 votes

For someone who is not a programmer or is starting how can he/she contribute to

13 votes

Relation vs. References vs. Entity Reference for managing node-reference-type relationships

13 votes

drupal/core vs. drupal/core-recommended

11 votes

How do I set access permissions per field?

11 votes

Is there a hook after user confirmation?

11 votes

Export multilingual settings with features

10 votes

Add placeholder/help text to Views exposed filter?

10 votes

Views - Add a wrapper DIV around a Group

10 votes

Create alphabetical pager

10 votes

How to display the summary (teaser) over the body in a full content view

10 votes

Programmatically assign user role

10 votes

Move my project from public_html/web to public_html

9 votes

Automatically rotate image on upload

8 votes

Translate was disallowed for HTML input in a view- how to enable?

8 votes

When to use list(text) or taxonomy?

8 votes

How to use smarty in Drupal 7

8 votes

How to get language prefix in Drupal 8

8 votes

Why can't I uncheck "Create new revision" on the content type edit page?

8 votes

How to make possible to flag only one node

8 votes

How can I use core's WebP support instead of the WebP module?

8 votes

Does the built-in PHP web server have disadvantages over other local development alternatives?

8 votes

How can I find out if all my contrib modules are compatible with the latest core version?

7 votes

How do I change and translate the "completion message" in Commerce checkouts?

7 votes

Custom form submit handler is called, but node is not saved

7 votes

How to implement a multi-themed site?

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