i have a movie site , i need import movie data from IMDB, for doing this i installed Feeds and Feeds XPath Parser for scrapping. i created a content type for movie wiht some field (poster,actors,...)
after that i create a feeds importer called "Movie importer" . i set Parser to "XPath HTML parser".
in the mapping i added xpathparser:0 ,xpathparser:1 and... for field i created for Movie content type.
in the XPath HTML parser settings i added Xpath like this
- context: //div[@id='overview-top']
- title: /h1/span[1]
- poster: /div/a/img
- Genre: /div[1]/a/span
- Story: /p[2]
- stars: /div[3]/a/span
- movie rate: /div[2]/div[3]/strong/span
It's not working , and i don't know why.
one more thing i am newbie with XPath :(
Here Sample IMDB Page : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0773262/