I have installed the XML Sitemap module, and enabled the xmlsitemap_menu sub-module. I found how to add the main menu to the sitemap (via this site - no thanks to the module's documentation). When I go to the XML Sitemap admin page, it lists mysite/sitemap.xml as having 91 links and 1 pages. Shouldn't the page count be higher? Also, I would like to view the generated output, but when I click the sitemap.xml link, all I get is a table with link to the front page.

How can I see the actual XML or sitemap output?

1 Answer 1


To make sure you have the content types that you want in your sitemap, you can enable xmlsitemap_node. After enabling, visit each content types configuration page and select "Include" under the xmlsitemap tab.

After setting each content type, you can check the Included/Excluded status for all content types under the xmlsitemap module config page.

Once that is complete, you can run cron manually to regenerate the sitemap links. Check www.yoursite.com/sitemap.xml to view the newly generated sitemap.

  • I have done all that, but it looks like mysite/sitemap.xml basically just says that the file exists. I can't see what kind of map it's reporting to Google or whatnot. I have rebuilt links, run cron, cleared the cache, and even disabled the "include a stylesheet for humans" setting.
    – eljefejb
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 18:23
  • Is it possible that the server must be connected to the Internet in order to properly build the sitemap? My dev box is on our internal (unplugged) network. I just migrated a snapshot to production, and after clicking the "Rebuild Links" button there, everything shows up. Maybe the module has to look at the site from outside?
    – eljefejb
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 20:53
  • The server doesn't have to be connected to the internet, it could be any number of things. It may be that you have to set $base_url in settings.php - glad you got it working on a live site though Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 22:36

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