1) click on desire field under 'Fields' in your view
2) select 'Style Settings'
3) check 'Customize field HTML' checkbox
4) check 'Create a CSS class' checkbox
5) enter 'replace-this-class' in 'CSS class' text field
then you should look into hook_views_post_render
- this where you can access the actual html output for each row. if you add a class to the field as described above, you will be able then do php find and replace based on any logic.
my_module_views_post_render(&$view, &$output, &$cache) {
foreach ($view -> result as $result) {
//not sure about that - you would need to debug that
$result_status = $result -> status;
//your php logic and new class assignment
if($result_status == 1) {
$class = 'new-class';
//what you want to replace - again double check that
$replace = '<td class="replace-this-class';
//alter `$output` variable
$output = str_replace($replace, '<td class="'. $class .'"', $output);
This is very ugly but it works. Of course you will need to look into the $output variable to make sure that you are targeting correct html.