I have a view on a Drupal 7 site which brings in all content from 3 content types, which all have 3 different entity reference fields attached to them in order to relate them to specific areas of the site. On the view, I need to beable to filter by the 3 content types, which i have done by creating a filter on type with the 3 options. For the 3 enitity reference fields I also need to be able to filter on all the references but also have an "Any" option to enable it to show all. Due to the design of the website I need the "Any" option to have a friendly title rather than any, which I have implementing using Better Exposed Filters. For some reason the Override any feature of BEF will only override 1 field. And completely ignores the other 2.
It is working on the final filter. If i remove this filter it will work on another one, but never more than one at a time. Is there a setting I'm missing or is this a bug?