I have a custom block type, called "Features block". I added a field as alternative title (field_block_alt_title is that machine name).
I would like to display this alternative title on frontpage programmatically.
Now, I have this code so far that is displaying the title of blocks:
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
function neft_preprocess_region(&$variables) {
if ($variables['region'] == 'flick') {
$titles = array();
$ids = array();
$block_ids = Element::children($variables['elements']);
foreach ($block_ids as $block_id) {
$block_title = Drupal\block\Entity\Block::load($block_id)->label();
$titles[] = Html::escape($block_title);
$ids[] = 'block-' . Html::getUniqueId($block_id);
if (count($titles) && count($ids)) {
$tabs = '<ul>';
foreach ($titles as $key => $title) {
$tabs .= "<li><a href=\"#$ids[$key]\">$title</a></li>";
$tabs .= '</ul>';
$variables['tabs'] = $tabs;