I have a site that had display suite installed, but the custom view mode I'm trying to delete is not listed in the display suite admin page (admin/structure/ds/view_modes).

So I tried disabling/uninstalling all DS modules, and that didn't seem to help. I re-installed the module and confirmed the ds_view_modes table is indeed empty.

I know I can uncheck the checkbox to disable it for a given content type, but I want it gone completely so it doesn't cause confusion.

In the image, you can see the extra display is called "Classified Ad"

How can I accomplish this?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Check the source code. It could be a module iis registering it via hook_entity_info_alter().

  • Thanks @benjy that was exactly the way to track it down.
    – Webdrips
    Commented Feb 17, 2017 at 0:20

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