I'm using field collection and field collection table modules to show the data as a table, but I want that the table is be responsive.

How I do it? I don't found a good solution.

For example, for views table I use responsive_table_filter module that accomplishes this task.

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately there isn't a good solution for displaying tabular data in a responsive way. Even big organizations like Wikipedia, Google, and GitHub display tables as horizontally scrollable entities.

If you can think of a way to display tabular data legibly with variable width, be sure to publish it. :)

  • Sure but for responsive I mean that when the windows is resized the flow of the tabular data changes. For example, for views table I use responsive_table_filter module that accomplishes this task. drupal.org/project/responsive_tables_filter
    – kb8
    Commented Jul 16, 2017 at 17:56

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