I have created a 'Content Type' names it Stories. And have created 30 new pages for each stories using the same Content Type. Now how can i add Previous and Next Button under each stories?

Any Article or Video tutorial will be appreciated

Thank You, Mazhar P.S I am using D8

2 Answers 2


I would say that one relatively easy way without relying on any additional modules is to use the book module that comes with drupal core.

If you put the nodes in a book then you can use the book navigation's previous and next button.

You can override book-navigation.html.twig to remove elements of the book navigation that you don't need.

  • Thanks Rooby, I am a newbie in Drupal, thank you. Liked your suggestion very much. I looked for the video and found this youtube.com/watch?v=UuItYbS9Rlo&t=4s I am gonna try it later and if I get stuck I will seek your help again. Thanks Mazhar Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 21:58

I know this is old thread, but for benefit of users looking for an answer in 2020 for Drupal 8 (8.8+) and 9, try out https://www.drupal.org/project/related_nodes_block.

It does not require any taxonomy terms, and it supports Prev/Next, First/Last, Most/Least Viewed and Random, of same content-type or others, you choose.

Disclaimer: I am the author of the module.

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