I have the photo slider on home page using views-slideshow. Now I need to add previous and next controls to that slider. How can I?
2 Answers
There is option for set the control for slideshow in views_slideshow module, you could select the slideshow control option while creation slideshow. but it provide only content control(Prev/ Next). If you need image for control button you could change this with css.
I done it through css code, just follow this steps
#views_slideshow_singleframe_prev_gallery-block_1, #views_slideshow_singleframe_next_gallery-block_1 { width:71px; height:0px; padding-top:71px; position:absolute; top:100px; overflow:hidden; }
#views_slideshow_singleframe_prev_gallery-block_1 { background:url('images/left-button-on.png'); left:0px; }
#views_slideshow_singleframe_next_gallery-block_1 { background:url('images/right-button-on.png'); right:0px; }
#views_slideshow_singleframe_playpause_gallery-block_1 { display:none; }
And also take a look at https://drupal.org/node/691984