In a project started with the Thunder distribution, I'm currently managing the permission of the "editor" group.

By default, it only have access to the content menu, and it's a good thing. But what if I want to give permission to some children links (and only some specific children) of the others menu ?


I give to this group the ability to access, add, edit and delete some taxonomy terms.

I can access to the relative admin page, but the structure -> taxonomy link in the Admin Toolbar is not appearing.

For now I have to manually create those links, but I think it's not the right way to do this because they will constitute duplicate link for the "administrator" group.

I suppose I need to give visibility right for the parent link "structure", but how?

1 Answer 1


This is not a problem with the Admin Toolbar module, I think that you're not given the correct permissions.

In Drupal >= 8.5 you need to give the following permissions:

  • Use the administration pages and help
  • Use the administration toolbar
  • Tags: Create terms
  • Tags: Delete terms
  • Tags: Edit terms
  • Access the taxonomy vocabulary overview page

In Drupal < 8.5 as the Access the taxonomy vocabulary overview page not exists you need to assign the following permissions:

  • Use the administration pages and help
  • Use the administration toolbar
  • Tags: Create terms
  • Tags: Delete terms
  • Tags: Edit terms
  • Administer vocabularies and terms

The problem here is that the user will have the permission to create new vocabularies.

You can read about this in New term overview and create permissions and in Add a dedicated permission to access the term overview page (without 'administer taxonomy' permission)

  • Using D8.4, I missed the "Use the administration pages and help" permission. Thanks for the resources too :)
    – Cawet
    Commented Mar 13, 2018 at 17:01
  • @Cawet good luck with your project ;-) Commented Mar 13, 2018 at 17:10

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