I have a content type 'company'
with a related tax-term: 'city'
With a view
I can search for companies based on 'city' with autocomplete.
Is there a way I can relate adjacent cities into the same tax-term 'city'? If not, I would have to create a new tax-term into the content type 'company' and select for each company the adjacent cities. That is a lof of work.
Geo lookup is not an option, because we want te select which adjacent cities belongs to a specific city.
For example: Tax-term: city
City A
-- City B // adjacent city of 'city a'
-- City C // adjacent city of 'city a'
-- City D // adjacent city of 'city a'
City B
City C
City D
As you can see, City B, C and D exists in the tax-term but also are children of 'city A'. It should be an alias, because otherwise the children will have all a different ID, so that won't work.
Hope it is clear ...