Using Drupal 7
I have a hierarchical taxonomy each node in the site is assigned a taxonomy to identify where it sits in the site structure.
On certain pages (landing pages) I would like to show the children of those pages but not the page itself nor importantly any peer pages
so in the following taxonomy
- parent1
- child1
- child2
- child3
- parent2
- child4
- child5
- child6
I have two nodes assigned the "parent1" taxonomy and a node assigned to each of the child taxonomies
If I go to one of the nodes assigned the parent1 term I should see in my block view all the nodes assigned to child1-3
Currently using "taxonomy term with depth" I see all the correct children, but I also see the other node assigned to the parent1 term because taxonomy term with depth, returns all children plus the parent nodes.
Hiding the node I am on is easy with exclude, but I cannot see a way of hiding other nodes with the same term as the page I am on.
How can I select only the child nodes, not the child plus parent nodes?