I'm trying to use an entity queue on a taxonomy to create a new sort order for an existing view. But I'm having trouble configuring it.
I've created a dummy website with a fantasy role-playing game theme. I have a content type "Monster" with a taxonomy term "difficulty".
Monsters can have several difficulty tags, but I've created an entityqueue for the subset of tags that I want to sort on:
Finally, I've created the view for monsters, with what I believe are the properly relationships to join in the entityqueue for sorting. Starting with the Monster content type, I've added a relationship to the Difficulty taxonomy term, then another relationship for the Monster Difficulty entityqueue.
Finally, I added the entityqueue as the first sort criteria:
However, the results of the view are still sorting on the title field, "Name", meaning that the sort order of the entityqueue is either not making it in or being respected:
How do I sort a view based on a taxonomy entityqueue?
Edit I removed the sort for the title, as per hotwebmatter's suggestion, but that didn't cause it to sort by the entityqueue.
The order should go Big boss, boss, mini-boss, etc., but it doesn't.
Here are the configuration export ymls of those files different from a vanilla install: https://pastebin.com/r4A94QJ5