Fivestar works well with nodes, but is it possible to rate a page generated by Views? I can add the widget in a template, but how do I save the results? In the project description page of fivestar, it states that in Drupal 7 you can use it on any entity, but I don't think a Views page is an entity, is it? I found an old issue on the issue queue about this, but it was never updated once the new API was written.

1 Answer 1


I normally use a "hidden" node to accomplish this. Typically, I will make a content type called something like "internal use". Then, I will make a panel page that contains an "inernal use node and my view. The node-ish actions then get associate with this node.

  • I guess this works, instead of using a panel though, I'll just use a node template that embeds the view and also prints the fivestar widget only. Thanks! I'll leave this open to see if I get more answers, but I'll award the answer to you if no one comes up with anything better.
    – ipwa
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 3:54

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