I want to override the user.login route that points to the default login page.

I.e. I want that a user who presses the default "Log in" link for the site to be directed to a node that provides some help (where the user can click on a link and arrive at the standard log-in form).

Say that the path I want to redirect to is /node/42. How can I find out what route to return for a specific node?

I believe that the right place to do this in Drupal 9 is to override the getRouteName() function the in the LoginLogoutMenuLink class. So I'm trying to create something like this.

public function getRouteName() {
  if ($this->currentUser->isAuthenticated()) {
    return 'user.logout';
  else {
    return '- What to put here? - ';

I've searched a lot, and some people say that the route for nodes are entity.node.canonical. But that does not solve it for me. I think that the route for a specific node also need to have the nid in there somewhere.

  • 2
    See the answer from @sonfd and override getRouteParameters() to return the parameter array with the node id.
    – 4uk4
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 16:44

1 Answer 1


Unless something is overriding the routing, the route for all nodes is entity.node.canonical.

The route needs a route_parameter, node, to pass the nid.

For example, you could create a link to a node's page with Link::createFromRoute() like:

$my_link = Link::createFromRoute('My link text', 'entity.node.canonical', [
  'node' => 123,

As @4k4 pointed out, you'll need to create the LoginLogoutMenuLink class's getRouteName() and getRouteParameters() methods.

public function getRouteName() {
  if ($this->currentUser->isAuthenticated()) {
    return 'user.logout';
  else {
    return 'entity.node.canonical';

public function getRouteParameters() {
  // Not sure if this is the best conditional to use here.
  if ($this->getRouteName() == 'entity.node.canonical') {
    return [
      'node' => 123,

  return parent::getRouteParameters();
  • 1
    Thanks! I just had to amend it slightly to make it work. See updated questing for working version. Commented Aug 11, 2021 at 6:38

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