When I run drush without sudo I get the header plus: drush is designed to run via the command line. Drush with sudo works as intended.

I have read that: You do not need root-level permissions to use Drush: it'll work as long as the user invoking it has direct access to the Drupal installation directory.

This does not seem to be true in this case. Even when I su to the exact user that owns the Drupal installation, I still cannot run Drush without the error message.

drwxr-xr-x 10 ouruser www-data     4096 May 18  2012 html

Is there something incorrect about permissions or is there another problem going on?

  • Depends. What is the error message you are getting? Commented Feb 8, 2013 at 23:18
  • Error message is: drush is designed to run via the command line. Also I get a header, html/text.
    – edroms
    Commented Feb 9, 2013 at 3:37
  • 6
    Sounds like are using a different php with sudo than without. Check $PATH in both environments. You should be using php-cli with Drush; looks like you are using php-cgi without sudo. Fix your $PATH in the non-sudo environment so that the same php executable is selected as is in the sudo case. Commented Feb 9, 2013 at 4:06
  • Yes, I found a symbolic link to php-cgi in usr/local/bin, the directory with the sym link to drush. Haven't had the time to correct yet, but this seems to be the culprit. Thanks very much, @greg_1_anderson
    – edroms
    Commented Feb 10, 2013 at 16:53

2 Answers 2


Greggles comment is most likely correct. Check your php path my going to the phpinfo path in the reports section. The URL is admin/reports/status/php.


As per Greg comment:

Sounds like are using a different PHP with sudo than without. Check $PATH in both environments. You should be using php-cli with Drush; looks like you are using php-cgi without sudo. Fix your $PATH in the non-sudo environment so that the same php executable is selected as is in the sudo case.

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