I have created a block for a horizontal ad. I positioned it in the Content region and as you know I can display it either above the content or below everything. However, I would like it positioned above the editor (or comments area), not above it all.

I have found this pots but I am using an Omega-based theme and I see under the all/themes/omega/templates folder that there are "region.tpl" files so I assume here is where I add it, not in a node.tpl.php file.

1 Answer 1


Omega based themes still allow for custom regions and various *.tpl.php files. There is probably a node.tpl.php theme file in the base theme thats inherited by the subtheme your using.

The code doesnt go in the tpl.php file it goes in the preprocess function:

How to display block in node above comments. What i have tried is: create region - regions[above_comments] = Above comments after in template.php i have added this to THEME_preprocess_node

You then output the correct block within the specific region of the theme. In the linked page they created a region called Above comments in their theme. They set a block to that region using the Blocks Admin UI and rendered it using block_get_blocks_by_region using the theme preprocess function.

  • I opened preprocess-region.inc and this is what I see: <?php if (in_array($vars['elements']['#region'], array('user_second', 'menu'))) { $theme = alpha_get_theme(); switch ($vars['elements']['#region']) { case 'user_second': $vars['secondary_menu'] = $theme->page['secondary_menu']; break; case 'menu': if (isset($theme->page['dropdown_menu'])) { $vars['dropdown_menu'] = $theme->page['dropdown_menu']; } break; } } @tenken
    – Big Robots
    Commented Mar 13, 2013 at 2:17

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