I'm trying to display webform results as Google Charts. I'm doing this on the theme layer by overriding theme_webform_results_analysis() on my theme's template.php file and using the Chart module. Drupal 6.22, Webform 6.x-3.11.
The webform analysis page normally shows the data in a table, so I'm trying to hack apart the arrays for that table to pass stuff into the Chart API.
EDIT: I figured out how to use var_dump and found that the better approach might be to get up in the $row_data and $questions arrays separately (instead of using the $rows array that I had in the first version of this question, which was a mashup of both arrays).
EDIT #2: I think I've discovered how to grab each piece of the original $questions and $row_data arrays (see below - the foreach in the other foreach). So now I need to get those pieces into proper arrays (1 per question) and find a way to iterate through all of those.
Here's what I've got in template.php:
* Output the content of the Analysis page.
* @see webform_results_analysis()
function mytheme_webform_results_analysis($node, $data, $sids = array(), $analysis_component = NULL) {
foreach ($data as $cid => $row_data) {
if (is_array($row_data)) {
// get the questions, put them in an array
$questions = array();
$questions[] = array('data' => check_plain($node->webform['components'][$cid]['name']));
// this will print everything out in the right order - it really needs to
// make an array for each question that looks like $test_chart below
foreach ($questions as $question) {
print $question['data'] . '<br />'; // questions
foreach ($row_data as $key => $value) {
print $value[0] . '<br />'; // labels
print $value[1] . '<br />'; // results
// Set up the chart
$chart = array(
'#chart_id' => 'webform_analysis',
'#type' => CHART_TYPE_PIE_3D,
'#size' => chart_size(658, 250)
// not real data here, this just shows the format I'm shooting for
$test_chart = array(
'option 1' => '12',
'option 2' => '45',
'option 3' => '122'
// separate the above array into labels and values, add a percentage to the label
foreach ($test_chart as $key => $value) {
$chart['#data'][] = $test_chart[$key];
$chart['#labels'][] = strip_tags($key) . ' (' . round($test_chart[$key], 2) . '%)';
// pick some colors
$chart['#data_colors'][] = 'b0c73d';
$chart['#data_colors'][] = '667323';
$chart['#data_colors'][] = '221f1f';
$output = chart_render($chart);
if (count($row_data) == 0) {
$output = t('There are no submissions for this form.');
// return the data that goes into chart function, just for testing
// return $chart_data;
// someday, this might return a set of webform charts. right now it returns the fake test chart
// return $output;