This is my use case:
If an anonymous user completes an order, the order shows profile type A. When user completes that order, the system creates a new user, and fulfill his profile with the profile2 type A order information.
If a registered user completes an order, it does not show any profile2 information.
I want to make my checkout process shorter for already registered users, and I want for the anonymous users to have a profile filled with the order information. I get the first part of the use case working (the anonymous user workflow) with the excellent Commerce Order Profile2 Checkout Panes module, but I have no idea on what to do to avoid it appears for registered users. The problem is that the fiels in question are profile fields, so I need to grant registered users permission to view/edit them, and I can't hide them there with field permissions or CSS styles because they wouldn't be available to anonymous users too.
What could I do?