I've got a website with 3 large contexts : - internet - intranet - shop
These 3 contexts are "tight" (sorry about my english, I think this is the word).
My Block UI (admin/build/block) provides to every pages 2 blocks in my website first sidebar.
In my Shop context, I've got a specific header, footer, and about 6 blocks in the first sidebar. The conditions are quite simples : Paths only. - shop/* - cart/* and some others.
My node-product pages are in my Shop context conditions, and that's fine. (I don't want my users to lose the shop header, shop menu, shop footer and so on...) when they are on a product page.
Now, what I would like to do is to exclude 3 of my 6 side blocks on my node-product pages.
So I was thinking... What if we had an "Exclude Blocks" Reaction in context ? That is exactly what I need to do what I'm expecting.
I tried to adjust visibility settings in block UI, but it seems that context UI overrides it...
Shall I duplicate my Shop context to have a Shop-product one ? Is that clean ? I mean... All this context definition is correct, and I only want to exclude 3 blocks... Isn't that overkill to duplicate all my settings ?
Any Ideas ? Thanks guys.