I'm new to Drupal 7 and UberCart and loving it.
I'm working on a site that is automotive based and am having a problem wrapping my head around the catalog. I have 4 different parent catagories, then year/make/model and part category. A product can be anywhere and belong to multiple categories.

Right now I have a vocabulary that contains parent category/make/model/part category and another that contains year.

I need the menu to work like

  • Parent Category 1
    • Make 1
      • model 1
        • year
          • sub-cat
      • model 2
        • year
          • sub-cat
    • Make 2
      • model 1
        • year
          • sub-cat
      • model 2
        • year
          • sub-cat

Am I making this too complicated?
The sub-cats would be unique to the Parent Category but make/model/year could belong to any Parent Category and subcat.

Can anybody give me any advice? Thanks in advance.

edit I guess I'm asking If I put year make model together in a vocabulary and Parent Category and subcat together in a vocabulary (which I think would work well), how can I incorporate that into UberCart catalog menu?

1 Answer 1


@Drupality was right...It does require custom coding. I installed Multi Term Views which will allow nodes to be filtered that contain different, multiple taxonomies from different vocabularies.
So you could have a filtered view at taxonomy/term/27+35 which will show all nodes in term id 27 and 35 or you can have taxonomy/term/27,35 which will show all nodes that are exclusively in both 27 and 35. After that was set up I just wrote a custom menu and put it in a block in the sidebar.
So I have 3 vocabularies that are Year, Make/Model, and Type. Make/Model is two terms deep. Not the best solution - but if a highly customized menu is needed then apparently this is what must be done.

Thanks @Drupality for your help.

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