I have a custom CCK content type for blog posts and I’m using Views to display the posts in an archived list. I use two arguments—Node: Created year and Node: Created month—to generate the monthly and yearly archive pages, which allows me to build URLs like http://example.com/blog/2011 and http://example.com/blog/2011/08. This is pretty standard stuff and really easy to do with Views.
While the actual archive list pages are working just fine, the breadcrumbs that views generates are not. With the URL http://example.com/blog/2011/08, instead of creating this kind of trail (which seems correct):
Titles = Home > Blog > 2011 > August
URLs = / /blog /blog/2011 /blog/2011/08
… Views generates this incorrect breadcrumb trail:
Titles = Home > Blog > 2011 > August
URLs = / /blog /blog /blog/2011
The URL generated for the year argument points to /blog
rather than /blog/[yyyy]
, and the generated URL for the month argument only points to the year, not the month.
Going down one level (to http://example.com/blog/2011) creates a similar problem:
Titles = Home > Blog > 2011
URLs = / /blog /blog
In both cases, none of the arguments' URLs are output correctly, while their titles are.
My settings for each of the arguments in Views are pretty standard: Month settings and Year settings. The path for the page display is just "blog".
What is causing this strange breadcrumb behavior and how can I fix it?