Ok, I have my own menu on my multilingual site. I have a page with the alias "about" in english. And english is my default language. So, when I am browsing the site in spanish I would like the spanish alias. I have tried all combinations I can think of to get the url() fucntion to translate "about" to "acercade",as it is in the system. What would be the correct way? Is it even working?

url('about',array=("absolute"=>TRUE, "alias"=>TRUE)) ;

thats my best guess.

Thanks for any hint, Michael

1 Answer 1


No need for $options['alias'] = TRUE, that will prevent alias lookup.

If you provide an internal path and $options['alias'] is set to TRUE, the path is assumed already to be the correct path alias, and the alias is not looked up.

Use the node/$nid path and let Drupal find the correct alias.

If that doesn't work, you could try manually passing the $options['language'] parameter

'language': An optional language object. If the path being linked to is internal to the site, $options['language'] is used to look up the alias for the URL. If $options['language'] is omitted, the global $language_url will be used.


  • Hi, thanks for your answer. Ok, so when I do the following: url('node/6', array( "language" => language_list()['es'])); what i get is /es/node/6. So while this works technically, I do not get the translation, which would be better for search engines.
    – dmeu
    Commented Oct 29, 2013 at 16:38
  • is it possible that it is a problem that the translation in spanish (es) does not have node-id 6 but 8?
    – dmeu
    Commented Oct 29, 2013 at 16:51

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