I'm using drupal 7 and working on a site that displays nodes based on a user's taxonomy option. A quick example, i want users to make a blog entry and select a taxonomy option "Target audience". The target audience contains selected "Interests" of logged in users. Both "target audience" attached to node and "Interest" attached to user profile are from the same taxonomy vocabulary, so that when a user selects a target audience, he matches a user interest.
Is it possible to build a single view of all blog enteries and then display parts of the view based on certain conditions like "if blog entry is tagged with taxonomy value which is equal to the interest of logged in user, then display blog enteries which match the logged in user's interest.
Another use case is this: taxonomy value location = New York. Blogger makes a post and selects target audience = New York. User logs in with selected location = New York (mandatory during registration), view checks if target audience = user location, then displays only posts tagged with "New York". Another user logs in with location = Washington, but there are no posts with tag = Washington, views empty field is then displayed or default display is used (when all conditions fail).
I'm also using panels. currently with panels, to achieve this, i have to build a separate view for each user with selected taxonomy option. This makes it cumbersome because, for instance, to display for all users logged in from 52 cities, you have to create 52 views. My intention is to build a single view that decides what to display based on the checked conditions.
Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks