I have a taxonomy based menu (3 tiers) that displays a specific content type. Content items are always tagged at the lowest level child (*) so when the menu items are selected a range of content is displayed.
top-level | mid-level1 | child1*
| | child2*
| mid-level2 - child3*
| child4*
When the parent levels are selected, I would like a summary page for the parent to show. I am using views and panels and getting the lowest level children to show is easily accomplished, but how do I set a filter or context to determine if the view is not at the lowest level?
Panels exposes a context that selects content with a parent (or not) so I can easily identify the top level menu selections, but the bottom children can occur at either level two or three and there is no context for 'has children'.
What can I use as a context to select the parents and which hook to use?