I'm using Drupal 7 and I have a Global: Custom Text in my view

<div class="myclass">
  <div class="title">[title]</div>
  <div class="category">[category]</div> 

When I try to translate the 'Label' from

`Configuration » Regional and language » Translate interface` 

I get an error 'The submitted string contains disallowed HTML'. That is because the label is wrapped in a div. I could add the div in include/locale.inc in the function


but I don't think is a good idea to edit the Drupal core.

Do you have any better solution?

2 Answers 2


You can create a template for the field, i.e.


in which, instead of the default code:

print $output;

you add the following code:

$yourstr = t('Your Cool Label');
$out = str_replace('Your Cool Label', $yourstr, $output);
print $out;

In this way you'll find "Your Cool Label" under the translatable strings interface (admin/config/regional/translate/translate).

Just remember to "Rescan template files" under Theme -> Information of your view, then save.


Use hook_views_pre_view and set your global header programmatically. E.g.

$view->set_item_option($view->current_display, 'header', 'area_text_custom', 'content', $header);

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