I am new to Drupal. I have installed URL Redirect module and tried the following.

Source URL: testwebsite.com/how

Redirect URL: testwebsite.com/how-to-do

Its get stored with node id instead actual URL.

Source URL: http://www.testwebsite.com/node/123545

Redirect URL: http://www.testwebsite.com/node/134566

When I tried to call with node URL its redirecting fine. But when I call testwebsite.com/how it doesn't redirect.

1 Answer 1


You can use Path Redirect module in your scenario. Module page says :

This module allows you to specify a redirect from one path to another path or an external URL, using any HTTP redirect status.

  • But i am having drupal 7 and i think Path Redirect module supports drupal 6
    – Prabu
    Commented Mar 27, 2014 at 5:09
  • Redirect is the new namespace for Path Redirect in D7. Commented Mar 27, 2014 at 5:11
  • Yes, but did you get my issue? in redirect module only i am having issue.
    – Prabu
    Commented Mar 27, 2014 at 6:28

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