I am trying to center 3 images in a block I have created in my footer but the images just won't center. I tried the wysiwyg editor's center button, but that did not work. I then tried to put in manual css which failed. I can't seem to get these images to center. I would appreciate any help.

Using: CKEditor 7.x-1.13

I tried adding a Bootstrap 3 "center-block" css class, but this does not work either.

<p>© 2014 Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW)<br />
U.S. Office: 1877 Garden Avenue, Eugene, OR 97403 USA<br />
Phone: +1 541 687 8454<br />
Fax: +1 541 687 0535</p>

    <div class="center-block">
    <a href="/projects/edigest/user"><img class="float-left img-responsive" src="http://localhost/projects/edigest/sites/all/themes/bootstrap-business/images/facebook.png" /></a> <a href="/projects/edigest/manage-translate"><img class="float-left img-responsive" src="http://localhost/projects/edigest/sites/all/themes/bootstrap-business/images/blog.png" /></a> <a href="/projects/edigest/translate"><img class="float-left img-responsive" src="http://localhost/projects/edigest/sites/all/themes/bootstrap-business/images/twitter.png" /></a>

Here is what displays: enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Add the "center-block" class to the img tag.

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