I have a multilingual site (spanish/english). I created 1 role: translator.
I need the anonymous users to ONLY see the contents in english language and the translator users to see both.
How can I accomplish this?
I have a multilingual site (spanish/english). I created 1 role: translator.
I need the anonymous users to ONLY see the contents in english language and the translator users to see both.
How can I accomplish this?
A way to achieve it can be this. Note I am assuming you are using the standard node-based translations, and not entity-based translations.
Suppose the content is a node-type one and the content-type is called Page_en_es
. Give permissions at /admin/people/permissions
View own unpublished content
, Page_en_es: Edit any content
etc to translator usersView published content
to anonymous users.Then, whenever a translator edits or creates the Spanish content, s/he will set it (=node) to be not published. And the Spanish version won't be seen by anonymous users.