I have 2 taxonomy vocabularies which I want to reference in new content types but I cannot see them under "add existing fields" when creating a new content type. Also tried referencing one taxonomy vocabulary from another and couldn't.

Saw this post on drupal forum and followed the suggestion of changing admin theme but it didn't work for me.

BTW, I'm using Marinelli theme.

Kind regards,


1 Answer 1


To use taxonomy with your content nodes, you have to add fields to your content types that allow you to assign taxonomy terms. To add a field for your taxonomy to a content type:

  1. Go to Structure > Content types.
  2. Find the listing for the content type you want to modify, and then click its manage fields link.
  3. In the Add new field section, enter text for the Label and Name columns.
  4. In the Field type column, select Term reference from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Widget column, use the drop-down menu to select from the following widgets:

      Check boxes/radio buttons - The taxonomy terms are listed in a check box on the content creation page for this content type.
      Select list - A list of the taxonomy terms are displayed on the creation page for this content type.
      Autocomplete term widget (tagging) - A text box is added to the content creation page for this content creation page.

    Selected or entered taxonomy terms are assigned to the content node when the node is saved or published.

  6. Click Save.

  7. In the Vocabulary drop-down menu, select the vocabulary you want to use with this content type.

  8. Click Save settings.

A taxonomy term field is added to your content type, using the label you chose. When you create content of this type, you will now find a field on the creation and edit forms that allows you to assign taxonomy terms to the content node.

Thank you.


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