I have a view that list entities. It has a VBO field on it for executing a few custom actions.
I can get the actions working, but I need to add a field to the operations form on the view which lets the user select a date field. I then need to pass that date value on the VBO form submit, to the custom action, so that I can use it to manipulate some entity data.
I am able to add the date field via this method:
function mymodule_views_bulk_operations_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $vbo){
$form['vbo_set_close_date'] = array (
'#type' => 'date_popup',
'#title' => t ('Set Close Date'),
'#date_format' => 'm/d/Y',
'#date_label_position' => 'within',
'#weight' => 1000,
Now I am stuck because that data doesn't get passed to my custom action, and I'm not sure what the correct method would be to accomplish that. I've though of adding a custom form submit handler, but still not sure if that's working because I can't seem to get it to trigger.