I had Drush working yesterday and was able to use it to download a copy of Drupal. After shutting down my machine last night it now won't work.
which drush
does nothing today. drush help
gives: -bash: drush: command not found
I guess that when I installed it yesterday, some setting was live in the terminal allowing it to work, but this wasn't saved or stored so after restarting it doesn't work. On the day drupal was installed I closed and reopened the terminal window several times and Drush kept working.
I can still see my copy of 6.5.0 in $Trotter/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/
The installation instructions say:
Now add Drush to your system path by placing export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" into your ~/.bash_profile (Mac OS users)
I followed these instructions on creating a bash profile and have saved my bash profile with the single line in it:
export PATH="$Trotter/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
Following the instruction below in terminal didn't do anything for me:
Type ". .bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add
Please suggest what I need to do to get Drush working again, and keep working after restarting the machine.
Here is the location of composer inside my home directory:
which drush
orwhereis drush
in terminal just goes to a new line with a new command prompt. No feedback is given.