I try to get drush to run by calling just 'drush' and not 'vendor/bin/drush', I'm working with OSX Sierra. This doesn't work out as I want hope someone can help me with this.
When i follow the instructions here: http://docs.drush.org/en/master/install/
When at point 3: If you want the convenience of calling drush instead of ../vendor/bin/drush, copy the examples/drush.wrapper file to your Drupal root and modify to taste.
I get stuck. I copy the drush.wrapper file to my root and rename it to drush . Then I edit the path to:
cd "`dirname $0`"
vendor/bin/drush.launcher --local "$@"
Because I'm in the root I removed the ../ before vendor. When I save all I stil get:
bash: drush: command not found
When I try going to: vendor/bin/drush.launcher it runs perfectly. What am I doing wrong?