I've downloaded Drupal Commerce and created my 3 products. Everything else I've kept as the default. Then I wanted to created a catalog so users could buy items. Note: I've also installed and input API credentials for Drupal Paypal already. So then I went to create a view of type 'product display' as seen here:
But when I create a new view 'product display' is not one of the 'type' options.
So my question is, how do I get something to show as a product display item? somehow it seems I have to map the products I created to 'content types'...but shouldn't the module already do that?
I looked back through the documentation on that site, and undoubtedly I missed something, but I'm not seeing how this is done.
Note #2: I tried to install commerce kickstart, but I'm using WAMP and couldn't get it to work, so I have to trudge through on my own.