I'm working on a site which uses Apache Solr for the site search which is on the URL /search/site/.
What I want to do is add a form to every page on the site which allows the user to entered text in & submit it. The form will then take the user to the /search/site/ page displaying the results for their search term.
This sounds like it should be simple but I cannot see how to do it, I cannot find a way of creating a block for it & when I try to use the code below to programmatically display the form it is presented to the user but when submitted they are taken to the correct page (/search/site/) but the results of their search are not displayed.
$search_form = drupal_get_form('search_form');
$search_form_box = drupal_render($search_form);
print $search_form_box;
print render(drupal_get_form('search_form'));
I wasn't 100% sure that "search_form" was correct but when submitted it does take you to the correct search results page (/search/site/) but no terms or results are displayed.
I'm quite new to using Drupal & Solr so if there's any information you need that I missed out please ask.