In a custom user-login-block.tpl.php
file i want to make a link in the Create an Account -button which links to /doctor/register
. Here the link to the example page (you are redirected to this page from specific nodes who needs permission (by Content Access module).
How do i make this link in PHP so i am able to make it multilingual and translate it in Administration » Configuration » Regional and language » Translate interface
(for Belgium dutch site)befr/doctor/register
(for Belgium French site)
I think i need somehow the base_url
because otherwise it gives the string from the restricted page (in this example benl/producten/injectables
How do i manage this?
To make it more clear this is my HTML:
<div class="well">
<a class="btn btn-large btn-primary" href="HERE THE LINK"><?php print t('Create an Account'); ?></a>
So where is written HERE THE LINK i have to insert the php-code.