I created a website with Drupal 8 in 4 languages. When I access a node in the default (English) language, I get to a page with a path of e.g. localhost/contact, just as it should be. Now, when I switch to Japanese, I would expect it to be localhost/jp/contact, but it is localhost/jp/node/13 (the page does display though). Both nodes have the same path listed (/contact) when I inspect them in the administration area.
For the record, my language detection methods are set in this order, in case it matters:
- Account administration pages
- URL (note: URL path prefixes are configured)
- Session
- User
- Browser
- Selected language
How can I achieve the expected state I mentioned above? That is, having the same (relative) paths set for each language variant of a node, while the language part of the URL would ensure displaying the proper language version of the node and while the URL would be human-readable and not just the node ID?