I followed the steps on skvare to index Civicrm contacts via Search API, then to have Views list the contacts with the search box as an exposed filter. This seems to work overall, but custom Civicrm fields don't seem to be showing up via Views. For example, I've got records showing up with display name, bio, and contact ID. But they're also supposed to have custom fields called "designation" and "role". I've checked that the corresponding contact created in Civi has values (strings "test" and "pencil sharpener" respectively) for these fields. I've made sure that these fields are indexed in the search API and I've rebuilt the search index, to no avail. I'm able to select the fields in the Views UI but when I look at my View, I don't see them and when I do a dump of the fields variable in the View template, those fields are there but they just have an empty value.
Why are my custom Civi field values empty when I try to display them on contacts indexed with the search API via Views? This is all in Drupal 7.