I have tabs created using views and has contextual filter of group parent(Group ID from URL). I created a block that has a contextual filter of GID. In the block layout, I placed the block in the content region, select Group from URL to Group ID: and specify path to be shown--that is links of my tabs.

My goal is that whenever I access each tab links, the block content will be shown according to group ID from the URL.

Given example:


My tab view with contextual filter is working but block is not showing up. How can I properly configure the block view setting to be consistent according to the GID?

See photo below for my block settings:

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


In your view, change the contextual filter to the following: change: Hide view by Provide default value In Type, select the option that applies.

  • I already tried that but doesnt work. In the tab view I have a contextual filter of Parent group with Provide default value of group ID from URL. And on the block view, I have contextual filter of Group ID with Provide default value of group ID from URL and validation you seen on the above. Commented Nov 1, 2017 at 0:56

Okay. The specific fix for my concern is on the block view, I have to select Provide default value:Raw value from URL:2.

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