After this recent update of the module, when I run a Status Report, it warns me that: “Privacy policy link not provided”, but I actually think I did it by filling up the field “Privacy policy link”, am I missing any additional configuration on the module set up (Drupal 8.5.5)?

Note that, despite this warning the message abouts the cookies is displayed on the website and the respective button “MORE INFO” links to a page I created with additional info on the cookie compliance.

  • 1
    After this recent update of the module did you run yourwebsite.com/update.php? Have you checked the module's issue queue to see if anyone has reported a similar or identical bug?
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 10:13
  • Yes I run updat.php and also checked the issue queue and there is notthing about this Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 10:20
  • What did you exactly enter in that field? I find strange that a module gives a false warning (and not an error), and then uses what you entered, but that depends from the code that module is using.
    – avpaderno
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 12:18
  • I checked the code of that module. The only warning it could give when you watch the Status report page is Your privacy policy link is pointing at the front page. This is the default value after installation, and unless your privacy policy is actually posted at the front page, you will need to create a separate page for the privacy policy and link to that page. That is true for the 7.x-1, 7.x-2, and 8.x-1 branches.
    – avpaderno
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 12:23
  • That's what I did. I inputted: /condicoes-de-utilizacao and although it works the warning remains there on the status report. Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 12:41

2 Answers 2


Actually it's better you'd report issues like that on drupal.org and not here on Drupal Answers.

The recent EU Cookie Compliance updates happened in a rush when during the ongoing development a security hole was found. Because of that a lot of half-ready new features got released.

It happens I just released a patch which may be related to your problem, see https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance/issues/2985543.

But you may not necessarily need the patch. All you need to do is to update to the latest version, then go to the module's config page and choose a method (default, opt_in etc.). Choose default to turn back to the initial method before the most recent updates added additional methods.

If that doesn't work try to follow the steps from https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance/issues/2985613#comment-12685609 which was a fix for the 7.x branch but may apply for D8 as well.

Last but not least, double-check that the link you provided either goes to an existing internal route or is an external link.


After not being able solve the issue I decided to restore my Drupal Site and install first the Google Analytics Module update and after the UE Cookie Compliance Module update and the warning message didn’t appear this time. Maybe just Drupaluck (nevertheless I decided to share my experiance).

A special thanks to all that tried to help me.

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